David Antognoli

Game developer and educator


Hey there. 👋 I’m a game developer, Assistant Professor of Game Design at Columbia College Chicago, and the director at Night City, a Chicago organization focused on community-based game development, exhibitions, and educational resources. We’ve organized, curated and hosted several free, in-person community events since getting started in 2022. I’m also the game director for Brain Agents, a SEL game about trauma resilience produced by the nonprofit STRYV365 and used in Milwaukee public schools and after school programs in the midwest.

I have professional experience in both programming and game design roles, and have worked on projects with companies like Microsoft, Sega, 2K Games, and Nickelodeon.

I’m seeking to create and support work that recontextualizes the medium of video games beyond commercialized experiences at the couch and computer desk. I’m excited by game projects that explore the avantgarde, literary, and community potential of the medium, all without losing touch with plain old fun.

I have Bachelor of Arts degrees in Game Design and English, and a Master of Science degree in Immersive Mediated Environments from Indiana University Bloomington.

© 2025 David Antognoli

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